【FIREMAN'S PRAYER(ファイヤーマンの祈り)】


When I am called duty . God, whenever flames may rage:
(緊急の命を受けたとき 神よ、どこで炎が吠えようとも)

Give me strength to save some life whatever be its age.

Help me embrace a little child before it is too late or save an older person from the horror of that fate.
(小さな子どもから老人まで 炎の恐怖から救い出すパワーを与え給え)

Enable me to be alert and the weakest shout, and quickly and effectively to put the fire out.
(か弱い叫びも聞き逃さず 素早く火を消し去る力を与え給え)

I want to fill my calling and to give the best in me, to guard my every neighbor and protect his property.
(私は天職に従い生命の全てを賭け 人々と財産を守りたい)

And if, according to your will, I have to lose my life :
(そしてもし神よあなたの意志に従い 命召されるときは)

Please bless with your protecting hand my children and my wife. Amen
(わが子と愛する妻にあなたの慈悲を与え給え アーメン)

